Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My life as a punching bag where words are throwing the punches

Words... yes words.  They can make or break you.  Words of wisdom, words of kindness, words of encouragement, words of love.  Those are the words that we all want to hear.  Words of the Bible,
now those are the words that reach through the thickness of your heart and allow love from God fill you heart and soul.

Words from human beings are the ones that cut through you like a knife.  It only takes one word from someone that can really knock you to your knees. It is not only adults that deliver these punching words but children do to.  As a mother, my child can throw some pretty good words sometimes, but the ones that hurt me the most comes from the other adult in my house.

It seems that these words are always used when things are not going their way, or when they get mad about something.  I am always the punching bag that catches these words.  Words of hate, words that hurt, words of make no since, words of it is all your fault, words of you doing wrong, words of why don't you do this, words of if.  Words that hurt you, words that makes you hate, words that make you wish you were all alone.  Words of stress, words of depression, words of need. 

Words... yes words.
Words of the Bible is where I put my trust.  Trust in God with all your heart, because their is no
words that mankind can offer that will comfort you as those of words of our Almighty YHWH.

My words to you,

I wish you many smiles and blessings today and everyday
