Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Farm - City Poster Winner

SweetPea enter this poster in the 4-H Farm City Poster Contest.  This little rascal WON  FIRST PLACE
and 25.00 from the local farmers federation.  I am so proud of him.  He also won a very nice ribbon.  He may also get to send his poster to the state contest where he could win more money and have his poster in a 2015 Calendar.  How exciting would that be.  He is so proud... He makes his mom and dad's heart jump with joy.

Smiles and Blessings


Friday, December 6, 2013

Blessed Beyond Measure

God has BLESSED me with so many friends.   I truly believe that God has placed each one in my path.  I have gain so many freinds from the places that I have worked, those that I have met on blogs,  friends of my son, special co-workers, and so many more......  these are the people that I can cry with,  that listen when I need to talk, give hugs, lend a helping hand and those that leave surprises in my mailbox.  I can not find the words to express how my hearts feels with the JOY of having all of you in my life.  Each step I take I walk with GOD on my right side, JESUS in my heart, and my FRIENDS on the other side.  I love my extended family and I am glad that each of you have blessed me so richly.

so I leave you with this thought.....I have it on my email......

....live your life so that there will be those that will thank GOD that you lived.......

Smiles and Blessings
Tracy B.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

SweetPea has had a great month.....

Sweetpea has had a great November......  he was awarded Good Citizen of his class.....and made perfect attendance....  enjoyed attending perfect attendance party.....received a blue mark in class which means good job......and has made all A's so far on his progress reports.  All A's were 98 to 100.

I am so blessed that God gave me child that I so longed for......he gave me the perfect child..... healthy, intelligent, a good son that I love with all of my heart.

He has stepped up and help us as our little farmhand.  His dad and I have been very sick and Sweetpea has stepped in and taken care of all the farm animals and made sure we were ok.

Thank You Sweetpea.............Mom loves you so much and I am so proud of you

Tracy B @ FeedSackCooking

Friday, November 15, 2013

Thanksgiving and Christmas

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and many sales will be going on.  I came across the Black Friday Wal-Mart ad and found something I think that SweetPea would enjoy having.  Sweetpea asked this year to play basketball and he is really looking forward to it.  Wal-Mart will be having this basketball stand on sale Thanksgiving Day for $99.00.  This is a great deal...so I am lifting this up in prayer that I will be able to get this for him......my sweetpea is a good son and deserves the world.  I have explained to him this year that we would only be able to get three nice gifts and a few stocking stuffers.  I explained to him that Jesus received three gifts from the wisemen and that were going to do the same thing.  Sweetpea understand and has a love for God that is so precious.  I am asking all you prayer warriors to lift this up also.  Hope each of you have a very Blessed Thanksgiving and Many Smiles and Blessings to you and your families.

Tracy B

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Parent - Teacher Conference today....

I am so proud of this little guy......His teacher told me that he is GOLDEN and that he is a model student.  She stated to me that he is a student who just gets it........ONE PROUD MOMMY

Smiles and Blessings to all

Friday, September 13, 2013


Some Days I feel very blue like today but I am an overcomer

Some Days I feel like running away but I am an overcomer

Some Days I feel like screaming and running around in a circle but I am an overcomer

Some Days I wonder why can't life be fair to all but I am an overcomer

Most every day I wonder how to make what little money I have last but I am an overcomer

Most Days I worry about how to buy gas for my car and groceries but I am an overcomer

Do you know why I am an overcomer... because everyday I walk in FAITH and I am blessed by


Wednesday, September 4, 2013