Monday, December 14, 2015


Holding on to Jesus... yes that is my goal.  I am very tired of the way life if going right now.  I am tired of work, I am tired of home life, I am just tired of everything.  I am tired of dealing with land issues, sick of the holidays, tired of being without money.  At least I can get it out of my system on here because no ones reads it anyway.  I am tired of not have a dependable car that can get me where I need to go without using 2 quarts every four days. I am tired of not having a stove so I can cook.  I am tired of my refrigerator not working correctly.  I am tired of family not including me on things that are important.  I am tired of family not checking on you to see if you might need to go anywhere.  Tired of not having enough money for food and tired of not being able to provide what I need to for my son.  I hope that soon things will turn around for the good..... right now I am holding onto Jesus's hand so that he can guide me through these everyday struggles of life, because without him, I just assume crawl under a rock and stay there.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My life as a punching bag where words are throwing the punches

Words... yes words.  They can make or break you.  Words of wisdom, words of kindness, words of encouragement, words of love.  Those are the words that we all want to hear.  Words of the Bible,
now those are the words that reach through the thickness of your heart and allow love from God fill you heart and soul.

Words from human beings are the ones that cut through you like a knife.  It only takes one word from someone that can really knock you to your knees. It is not only adults that deliver these punching words but children do to.  As a mother, my child can throw some pretty good words sometimes, but the ones that hurt me the most comes from the other adult in my house.

It seems that these words are always used when things are not going their way, or when they get mad about something.  I am always the punching bag that catches these words.  Words of hate, words that hurt, words of make no since, words of it is all your fault, words of you doing wrong, words of why don't you do this, words of if.  Words that hurt you, words that makes you hate, words that make you wish you were all alone.  Words of stress, words of depression, words of need. 

Words... yes words.
Words of the Bible is where I put my trust.  Trust in God with all your heart, because their is no
words that mankind can offer that will comfort you as those of words of our Almighty YHWH.

My words to you,

I wish you many smiles and blessings today and everyday


Thursday, September 17, 2015


LIFE is like a box of chocolates.... some days is filled with sweetness and others days you fill like a chocolate that has melted.

These days, I feel like the melted one.  It has been like that now for weeks.  I just can't get it together and feel depressed over situations that I cannot get a handle on.  I hope soon that I am back to the sweetness of life, because it is really is starting to affect my well being.  I am tired of melting.

Have a blessed day to who every reads this.


Friday, June 19, 2015

I wish my Nannie was here......

Oh how I wish my grandmother was here on earth.  I know she is having a time in heaven but I really need her now.  My Nannie, would listen to my problems, give me hugs, share life experiences, show me to love God and would help me anyway she could.  I really really miss her when I need someone to talk to about lifes problems.  She would help me when I need to restock my pantry before paydays.  I am so desperately in need of a car and I know if my Nannie she would help me get the one that I have found.  I need a co-signer in order to get it and she would do it for me.  I don't have anyone else.  When my grandmother died, I lost a part of me.  My grandmother's will left me and my sisters out of it because other relatives had it fixed so it was their gain.  There were items that I so cherished that belonged to my Nannie, but I did not get any of it.  She had Christmas ornaments that I loved, she had her cookbooks that I did not even get one of,  I did get a bible that was hers and I cherish it.  It is like she has left little notes in it to help me along.  So Nannie, while you are up there running on the streets of gold, would you please stop by and visit with Jesus and God  and ask them to send me a debt free vehicle and a pantry full of groceries.  Nannie you would not believe how much Jamison has grown and how much he eats.  Tell Mamaw and Papaw Shaw hello for me and Mamaw Ingram too.  Give Pop a hug and tell JerJer and Papaw James that Jamie really misses them


Monday, May 11, 2015

Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network

Hey Alabama and everyone else.....

  Check this site out.....  It is a fantastic site:



Tuesday, April 7, 2015

We have twins... Andy and April surprises us

Betty our ewe surprised us on April 1, 2015 with twins.  Andy and April are growing fast and moves with lots of speed.  It was no April Fool's joke for us but Blessings to our farm.

Monday, March 23, 2015

The farmgirl is in need of a truck.....

Yes... I need a truck.  If only I could afford one right now.  We only have a small car and with the farm we need a truck.  I would like to have a four door one so that SweetPea can get in and out.  We also need it to haul stuff in to and fro from our other farm. 

I just ask anyone that reads my blog to lift this up in prayer that we will soon see a way to get a truck any truck used or new.

Many smiles and blessings,


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Happy National AG Day 2015

What Is Ag Day?

It's a day to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture. Every year, producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies and countless others across America join together to recognize the contributions of agriculture.

When Is Ag Day?

Ag Day is celebrated on March 18, 2015. National Ag Day falls during National Ag Week, March 15-21, 2015.

Who Hosts Ag Day?

The Agriculture Council of America hosts the campaign on a national level. However, the awareness efforts in communities across America are as influential - if not more - than the broad-scale effort. Again this year, the Ag Day Planning Guide has been created to help communities and organizations more effectively host Ag Day events.

What Is Ag Day All About?

Ag Day is about recognizing - and celebrating - the contribution of agriculture in our everyday lives. The National Ag Day program encourages every American to:
  • Understand how food and fiber products are produced.
  • Value the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy.
  • Appreciate the role agriculture plays in providing safe, abundant and affordable products.

Why Celebrate Agriculture?

Agriculture provides almost everything we eat, use and wear on a daily basis. But too few people truly understand this contribution. This is particularly the case in our schools, where students may only be exposed to agriculture if they enroll in related vocational training.
By building awareness, the Agriculture Council of America is encouraging young people to consider career opportunities in agriculture.
Each American farmer feeds more than 144 people ... a dramatic increase from 25 people in the 1960s. Quite simply, American agriculture is doing more - and doing it better. As the world population soars, there is an even greater demand for the food and fiber produced in the United States.

What Can I Do to Help?

Put simply, get involved! Your participation in Ag Day is critical in helping us spread this positive message about agriculture. If you are interested in planning an event, download your Planning Guide today. Of course, there are other ways you can lend your support, including sending a letter to your local newspaper, calling your Congressional representatives or simply sharing information about agriculture with youngsters in your community.

Where Can I Find More Information?

Contact the Agriculture Council of America at (913) 491-1895.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Our Ram - Gideon has left us.....

Wednesday brought sad news to the farm.  Our Ram - Gideon passed away.  We have had him for nine years.  He was a mean old cranky ram but he produce many beautiful lambs.  My husband promised the lady we bought him from that he would never sell him and we never did.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Great-Grandmother Mrs. Vesta Mae Kelley Muse..... I never met her but will someday

                    I had to take a black and white picture and add color to it for a school project.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My Next Two College Classes start next week................

My Spring 2015 College classes start next week... I am so excited.  I am working on Bachelors in Human Services.  It may take me a while but I will succeed in this journey.

I will be taking American History and Photography this next 8 weeks.  These next 8 weeks will be filled with excitement and I am sure a little stress.  All in all it will be fun.

This will be an adventure as I travel through Jamestown, learn of the Puritans and take pictures all at the same time.  What an adventure it would be to take pictures of the history that I will be reading.

I will update to let you know how these classes are going along with other happenings on the farm.

Many Smiles and Blessings,

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year !!! and my Blessings List

I hope that everyones New Year has been blessed so far.  I am looking for great things in 2015.  I really don't have a New Year Resolution but I do have my prayer and blessings list.

With the start of the New Year it is time to start thinking about what you want to plant in your garden this year.  I have my listed already completed and now waiting on the funds to purchase the seed that we will need. 

I am looking for ways to make extra money.  I like to draw and thought that I might be able to make my drawings into postcards and magnets.  This is something that I am checking into.

I also hope that our chickens will soon be laying again, this is a small income but helps buy chicken feed.  I miss my eggs because the chickens have been on strike.

I know the farm will be growing with lambs and maybe a baby zebu within the year.  We will have to keep our fingers cross.

I hope that each of you have a very blessed New Year.

Tracy B at Feed-Sack Cooking