Tuesday, October 18, 2016

OH!!!! How I miss my mom.......

I cant begin to tell you how much I miss my mom.  I just want to hear her voice telling me that everything is ok and wrap her arms around me to let me know that we will make it in this world.

I saw my mom go through good times and bad times in her life.  I was not there for her in the end and the quilt is so overbearing for me, because she was always there for me without question.

It seems to bother me the most, when I am going through trying times.  She was my rock.  I could always depend on her.  Now I don't have anyone on this earth to be there for me like she was.  I can only trust in God to be there for me now.  Through a song on the radio this morning, I know God was telling me to lean on him.  The song playing was Lean on Me.  I have friends, but they don't understand like my mother did.

I just wish I could see her just one more time and I just wish I had someone to fix my problems.

My mom could not fix all my problems, but she was there willing to help me in some way.

I miss you Mom and I loved you with all my heart.


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